Google home keeps losing emulated hue light switches

Hey there. I have emulated hue running and it’s linked to my google home. I currently have two GE zwave switches;

  friendly_name: Outside Front Lights
  friendly_name: Kitchen Sink Light

Google home saw them just fine and I assigned them to rooms. However, whenever I restart HA they get mixed up. So if I check the config on the google home, they may be swapped to opposite rooms.

Then today I go and look and notice that one switch is completely missing. I did a reboot of the pi and google home, no go. I’m missing a switch. However it’s completely available and controllable in HA.

When I check the emulated hue URL it looks like both switches are available;

{"1": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Outside Front Lights", "state": {"bri": 255, "on": true, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "switch.ge_12727_inwall_smart_switch_toggle_switch_3_0"}, "2": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Kitchen Sink Light", "state": {"bri": 255, "on": true, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "switch.ge_12727_inwall_smart_switch_toggle_switch_4_0"}}

Any suggestions?


Ok, I decided to unlink the hue bridge and readd it. Both switches are showing up again. I have a feeling as soon as I restart HA again the switches will get mixed up and be assigned to the wrong rooms. Is it possible HA is changing the order of the switches in it’s hue output, and GH is keeping track of what is assigned to position #1 and #2 specifically? Just curious.


Did you ever got this sorted out? I’m having the same problems, I think. I can pair GH with the emulated hue just fine and everything works as expected until I reboot HA. Then the lights (Ikea trådfri) looses their assigned rooms in GHs home control and some lights doesn’t even show up. I have to unlink the emulated hue, pair it again and reassign everything to make it work again.

I saw an earlier post that stated that this was a known issue that was going to be fixed in later versions. Maybe that never happened?

This stopped happening for me after upgrading to a newer HA. I’m not sure if it was a Google Home or HA upgrade that resolved it but it hasn’t happened since.

Hm, it still happens to me. Both Google home app and HA are updated. Maybe it’s something with the Ikea lights?