Google Home message (error) while using Echodot

Hi Guys,

I am using an echodot, but sinds 0.37 somewhere I always get the message:
17-04-03 23:25:26 WARNING (Thread-10) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue] When targetting Google Home, listening port has to be port 80

Someone an idea how to remove this error.


See the configuration page for emulated_hue:

Just specify listen_port to 80. Also, make sure to read the Torubleshooting section at the end about permissions when binding to port 80 (if you are having problems with this).

Or live with the warning (not an error). If you use an Echo, then there’s no need to switch to port 80.

Do you have

  type: alexa

in your config?

Using type alexa gives me the message that it is deprecated and will be removed in fututer version. Thats why I removed it :slight_smile:

Im not using port 80 for alexa