Google Home Mini - Error on init TTS: No TTS from google_translate

same problem!

Try base_url with the port:

  - platform: google_translate
    language: 'es'

Hi @GTaylor, I am facing same TTS init problem now… did you find the solution? I will appreciate any suggestion.

Same for me

Anyone found a fix?

Tried the base url and didn’t work. Gave up and switched to reverso tts through HACS.

Thats is to bad… is there anyone who has an idee??

If have an synology with reverse proxy, and can’t get tts running on my nest mini. I can play a file from an internal link but this is abracadabra for me

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OK, so it’s not just me, good to know.

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I got same problem since yesterday, until then it worked fine … but I haven’t done any update or installation.
I tried with base_url without port, without base url (using internal) and with external as base url; with and without nginx proxy … same result always

Take a look here, for example. I posted a post there.

I see. I’ve just switched to Reverso TTS / tts on hacs, works perfectly

Can Reverso TTS read data from templates, such as temperature or time?

I’m testing now… wait a minute

yep, it works! :upside_down_face:

Thanks. I will decide if I will wait for the update until 13.12

Hello, version 0.118.5 fixed TTS for me

0.118.5 fixed for me as well. Here are the release notes including new Google TTS API component for the fix:

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I’ve upgraded to 0.118.5, but I’m still getting failures. The log now says:

* Failed to cast media from internal_url ( Please make sure the URL is: Reachable from the cast device and either a publicly resolvable hostname or an IP address

My failing automation looks like this:

- id: '1604104081390'
  alias: Test automation
  description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: ''
  condition: []
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      message: test
      entity_id: media_player.office_speaker
  mode: single

The office speaker makes the “badoop” sound. when running the automation, but no audio plays. Is there some new configuration that is required after this fix?

add base_url to tts

Thanks, that helped.

To clarify for anyone else with the same issue: I have a public duckdns domain pointed to my HA with an SSL certificate. When I would visit the https://[ip address] URL (from my previous post) in the browser, Chrome would show a warning about no SSL, but I could step past that and get the mp3 file. If I went to the same URL but used http instead of https, the page wouldn’t load at all. If I went to the same URL, but substituted the base url with my duckdns url, I got the mp3 file with no warning.

So, I updated base_url (docs) to reference my duckdns domain (e.g.[my forwarded port]), restarted HA, and now it seems to be working.