Google home not working after HA upgrade

i have manually installed on raspberry pi3, with relay and ds18b20 connected acted like termostat. i had HA v0.85 working well, with nabu google home integration to expose my entities to my google home mini.
i could ask google “ehi google, what is the temperature inside my home”, but after upgrading to v0.98 google home mini say “sorry i didnt get any response”. Note that i turn on/of the relay it’s working well.
How can i debug this problem?

How can i debug this problem?

Have a look into home-assistant.log

this is what i have

2019-09-18 15:54:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Received message:
{‘handler’: ‘google_actions’,
‘msgid’: ‘c6dc9abd-a86f-4c0b-ba2e-cbe1a52957e7’,
‘payload’: {‘inputs’: [{‘intent’: ‘action.devices.QUERY’,
‘payload’: {‘devices’: [{‘id’: ‘climate.termostato’}]}}],
‘requestId’: ‘5618742333577090077’}}

2019-09-18 15:54:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event google_assistant_query[L]: request_id=5618742333577090077, entity_id=climate.termostato>
2019-09-18 15:54:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Publishing message:
{‘msgid’: ‘c6dc9abd-a86f-4c0b-ba2e-cbe1a52957e7’,
‘payload’: {‘payload’: {‘devices’: {‘climate.termostato’: {‘online’: True,
‘thermostatMode’: ‘off’,
‘thermostatTemperatureSetpoint’: 19.0}}},
‘requestId’: ‘5618742333577090077’}}

but i dont see errors…

any suggestion?