Google Home static crackling sound when TTS starts

when I TTS something to Google Home and its off, I can hear static crackling sound at the begining. When GH is already on, TTS starts without that noise. This is the only time I can hear it. It starts when I ‘move’ to (clean install).

Any idea?

Thank you.

What could it be? Anybody?

Thank you.

I’ve just started getting this… I have 4 Google Homes and it happens on all of them.

Ive not moved to HASS.IO only psyical change to my setup was the addition of a ChromeCast audio to my media player group.

Yes I get the crackling sound when I send TTS but it seems to happen when the Google Home is in the off mode. I tried it using the HA app when it’s in the GH is in idle mode and it does not crackle.

May be there is a way

- service: media_player.turn_on
         entity_id: media_player.google_home

- service: media_player.volume_set
         entity_id: media_player.google_home
         volume_level: 0.5

Edit: Just playing with it and its when you turn on the GH to send TTS the crackle is only sometimes.

Yeah… I noticed that too. Its annoying… my Bose SoundTouch do not crackle at all. I would like to know, if it’s Google’s fault or HASS’s… :thinking:

@bigmike You useTTS to the Bose soundtouch. If you don’t mind can you share how you do it. I tried but it wont work because I am using HTTPS.

unfortunately, as far as I know, its not possible when you are using HTTPS.
BoseSoundTouch Team should be working on updated API so It’s have similkar functionality as Sonos. But I do know how far with itare they.