Google Home stopped working

A bit unusual…

I’ve got the Google assistant ( component working fine for me. For several months it’s also worked fine for my wife. Recently, when she was instructing our Google Home units, it would say it could not connect to our app. “It looks XXX XXX is unavailable at the moment”. I decided to relink her account with no luck.

For whatever reason, I decided to try the Google Assistant app on her iPhone (I don’t know much about iPhones). This works fine for her.

In fact, on the simulator/test page under developer console, it also seems to be working fine. It’s just speaking to the Google home themselves (her main use) that doesn’t work.

I’ve tried unlinking and relinking her account several times.

Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions?



Same issue here .

Well… at least it’s not just me!

Is yours with a second user? E.g., not the one who set up the Google app project?

I’ve also tried - upgrading home assistant to latest, and resetting all my Google homes. Made no difference.