Google home tts without function despite nabu casa cloud


I’ve been trying for some time to configure the Google Nest devices so that they give me a voice command with tts, unfortunately without success…

The Google Nest devices are integrated via Google Cast integration.
I use the Nabu Casa Cloud, so the tts itself should work.

When I test the voice output, the Google Nest device is spoken to, but does not issue a voice command.
I test it in the browser and it works.

Can someone help me and explain the error to me?

Thank you

Hi, welcome. TTS is meant to talk to people around the nest device. It seems like you are expecting the Nest to listen as well and execute what it is saying? That is not what it is supposed to do. It is just a spoken message, not a voice command. Unless you yourself are willing to do what the Nest tells you to.

Nabu Casa Cloud provides a text to speech engine to convert text to sproken words, and it integrates your devices is Google home so you can tell it to do things. But these two are separate things.

I believe there are integrations to execute commands on the nest, but these integrations do so without speaking.

Hi, thank you very much for your reply
As an example: an automation is running and the Google Nest device should tell me that (as an example: the laundry is done)

I can address the device with “call service”, but then I don’t get any text output

When you encounter an automation that does not work as expected, post your code so we can check. Something like this should work:

  - service: tts.cloud_say
      entity_id: media_player.livingroom_hub
      message: The laundry is done.

the service doesn’t work.

I’m going under:
Settings/home assistant cloud/tts = test

The devices are controlled, but without voice output.

I think some setting is missing, I just don’t know which one

In my case it’s not about direct automation but rather the general function of the tts

I hope you can understand what I mean

It seems like the volume is too low.
The volume on the Nest devices (dashboard) is set to 100%

This is what I use to control tts volume, it is pretty load at 35%:

  - service: media_player.volume_set
      volume_level: 0.35
      entity_id: media_player.livingroom_hub

thank you very much for your help

unfortunately it still doesn’t work.
If I adjust the volume, the quoting tone is louder, but the announcement is missing.

What do you mean by this? I have this:

exactly that
I test that it works with the “browser” option
If I enter a cast device as the target, the cast device is activated but does not output any language