Google Losing Authentication

I have had the Google Calendar component up and running for almost a year without issue. Yesterday my calendar card indicated the calendar can not be loaded fro the component. I checked the log and it is loaded with Google authentication errors. I found a solution that said to delete the .google.token file, restart HA, then go back through allowing HA access. This solution works but have had to repeat it 4 times in the past 36 hours.

Is anyone else having this? Solutions? Do I need completely blow up and redo my google component?

I think I see the same and this started about 24 hours ago now.
I haven’t tried deleting the token, but I will try that right away. I get this both in a error 400 / 500 version.

EDIT: Maybe my error is related to something else (I think it is). I opened the Token and could see it had an expiry date as of yesterday night. To I will just see if I can retrieve a new one.
And even after that, I still see the expiry date as of today just a few minutes later. So might not be that after all.

I just checked my token as well. After re-authorizing last night at midnight, it is showing an expiry of today at 3:15PM.

Same thing happening to me. I recreated the token yesterday and today its back to showing errors. Recreating it again fixes the problem. I use custom Google Fit integration and its token was broken too today.

After recreating the token a handful of times, everything has been fine. Maybe just an issue with Google for a couple of days

It worked OK for a while but it failed again yesterday and I had to recreate the token again.