Google Mail integration issue

Hello everyone, first of all, sorry if this is wrong category, but I’m stuck as hell here.
I tried to configure the google mail integration and after going through the calendar one I thought this’ gonna be easy.

Hell no, after going through the complete process (OAuth and what not) I got to the final step - link my account and bam…it hits me up with a pop-up that only says ERROR. But nothing else :frowning: anyone got that happen? How did you solve it?


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I’m sorry I can’t describe the error more. I also get error with the

Today I realized what was wrong :frowning: I forgot to enable the gmail api in the console. Anyway, this is the solution… problem is, that the error pop-up had absolutely nothing and the integration data gets stuck in home assistant without any chance to get it away.

so I did go into storage and in app_authorization I had to remove the lines regarding mail and then it was all beans! :slight_smile:

I’m having the same exact issue / error. Only thing is, the gmail api **is enabled!


Can you provide more details on your comment " so I did go into storage and in app_authorization I had to remove the lines regarding mail…"?

I’m really sorry, but I don’t remember :frowning:

i had this, caught me out for about 30 mins, you have to go back to

and click the link in ’ SCENARIO 1’ step 1 and enable it again.

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