Google Maps Device Tracker help!

I currently use the NMAP and Google maps GPS device trackers for the same device, but I have an issue that I can’t resolve:
the nmap reports home / not home as expected, but the google maps does not.

If my GPS is turned off or not available, it continually reports the last known GPS position regardless of how recent that location is. ie. if I’m home and then turn GPS off on my device, the google maps sensor will continue to report that I am home (regardless of where the device is). The last_seen shows the time at which this GPS location was valid. I have the consider_home set to 3 minutes, but the status (home / not_home) seems to be based on when the last data was retrieved from google maps, not when the device was last_seen.
Is there any way to make this device state be not_home if the last_seen is greater than the consider_home?


I would think it should not report it “sees” the device if the GPS data is stale. You should probably open an issue on that platform.

In the meantime, unless someone comes up with a better suggestion, you could use my Composite Device Tracker Platform. It will create a new device_tracker entity based on updates from one or more other device_trackers. Moreover, as pertains to your scenario, it ignores updates where last_seen is not newer than the previous last_seen. So, basically, while your GPS is turned off (and presumable last_seen is not updating), the “output” device_tracker will not update. Then you use the new device_tracker instead of the google maps device_tracker. (See suggestion on the doc page about setting hide_if_away on the google maps device_tracker.)

Also, as a side note, consider_home does not apply to GPS based device_trackers.