Google Maps Location Sharing Integration - makes BOOTSTRAP wait more than 5 minutes

I have a problem installing the Google Maps Location Sharing Integration. It works fine once loaded but it makes my system delay about 6-7 minutes in order to boot.
During all that time, i receive a message at the Home Assistant Front-End saying: “Home Assistant is starting, not everything will be available until it is finished”… and of course NOTHING is available until the Google Maps integration is loaded.
I Followed the step by step directions here: and i can see all the people I’m tracking (2 people only).
If I erase the integration, my system boots FAST in ABOUT 30 SECONDS.
I receive 5 (Some times 6) WARNING errors in my LOG file everytime I reboot Home Assistant:

2020-07-22 18:14:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker
2020-07-22 18:15:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker
2020-07-22 18:16:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker
2020-07-22 18:17:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker
2020-07-22 18:18:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker
2020-07-22 18:19:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: device_tracker

I Run Home Assistant Supervised in a Oracle VM Virtualbox machine


arch x86_64
chassis vm
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.8
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.11
installation_type Home Assistant OS
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.50
python_version 3.7.7
supervisor 229
timezone America/Maceio
version 0.112.4
virtualenv false


dashboards 1
mode storage
resources 5
views 6

I deleted the Integration, created again, make the “cookie retrieve step” about 10 times, and even i started a fresh Home Assistant installation and ONLY INSTALLED the Google Maps Location Sharing Integration and… Always have the same problem: 6-7 minutes delay in order to boot Home Assistant.

Can somebody help me with this issue?
I don’t know what i’m doing wrong (I remember that I installed 3 or 4 months before this integration and system was booting Fast).
Thanks in advance!

Upgraded to version: 0.113.1 and… same problem…