Google Maps location tracking - "Error setting up platform google_maps"

that SHOULD work, but check the files inside docker after the update to make sure the right files were changed. ha log should show you the actual path.

one function call in google_map component needs to change to work with the new version of locationlib. if you really want to mod your own it might be better to do so by integrating it as a custom component in /config/customized_component rather than editing files in docker image. that way you don’t have to do it again after next hassio upgrade… or just use @dennyreiter git package, he already did the work. :slight_smile:

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I can confirm that on i had to update locationsharinglib manually after getting the invaliduser error. After the switch to the custom component.

Used this to upgrade:

docker exec -i -t homeassistant pip install locationsharinglib==4.0.2

Which custom component? “gmaps” from dennyreiter?

Yes thats the one.

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Strange after running this python lib update on hassio docker i still get “You have specified invalid login credentials”.