I’m trying to set up a model where I by using input-select can choose origin, destination and mode. However, when testing the configuration I get the answer that this is not acceptable for mode.
- platform: google_travel_time
name: Restid
api_key: !secret google_travel_time_api
origin: sensor.resa_start
destination: sensor.resa_end
mode: {{ states("sensor.resa_mode") }}
When testing the configuration I get the following:
Invalid config for [sensor.google_travel_time]: value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘options’][‘mode’]. Got ‘sensor.resa_mode’. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.google_travel_time/
I have also tried the same thing using travel_mode:
- platform: google_travel_time
name: Restid
api_key: !secret google_travel_time_api
origin: sensor.resa_start
destination: sensor.resa_end
travel_mode: sensor.resa_mode
I get the same error:
Invalid config for [sensor.google_travel_time]: value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘travel_mode’]. Got ‘sensor.resa_mode’. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.google_travel_time/
The setup getting the template sensor for an input_select is the same as I use for the sensors for origin and destination. I can also verify that the sensor has one of the four different modes as state (driving, bicycling, walking or transit).
It seems like the mode parameter cannot read a variable and needs a string. Is it possible to convert the variable so that mode reads it as a string?
I managed a work around! There always is one.
As mode cannot be set to a value I have made four google maps travel time sensors, one for each mode. Origin and destination are still variables and the same variables are used in each case.
- platform: google_travel_time
name: Restid med bil
api_key: !secret google_travel_time_api
origin: sensor.resa_start
destination: sensor.resa_end
mode: driving
scan_interval: 14400
The only difference between the sensors is that the name is changed and that the mode is changed. (eg Restid med cykel/bicycling).
I then have four scripts to update the travel time:
alias: Uppdatera restid med bil
- data:
entity_id: sensor.restid_med_bil
service: sensor.google_travel_sensor_update
- data:
entity_id: script.uppdatera_restid_med_bil
service: script.turn_off
alias: Uppdatera restid med cykel
- data:
entity_id: sensor.restid_med_cykel
service: sensor.google_travel_sensor_update
- data:
entity_id: script.uppdatera_restid_med_cykel
service: script.turn_off
alias: Uppdatera restid till fots
- data:
entity_id: sensor.restid_till_fots
service: sensor.google_travel_sensor_update
- data:
entity_id: script.uppdatera_restid_till_fots
service: script.turn_off
alias: Uppdatera restid med kollektivtrafik
- data:
entity_id: sensor.restid_med_kollektivtrafik
service: sensor.google_travel_sensor_update
- data:
entity_id: script.uppdatera_restid_med_kollektivtrafik
service: script.turn_off
Finally in my Lovelace ui I use the conditional card - if I change the mode (resesätt) the card displayed changes.
In the first case I have chosen the mode transit (Kollektivtrafik)
Then I can call the script to update the travel time using transit.
If I change the mode to driving (Bil) a different card is displayed which allows me to use the corresponding script to update the travel time.
A complicated work around but interesting to see that most problems can be solved.