Google Maps Travel Time request: "via waypoint" parameter

I’m looking on setting up Google Maps Time Travel to tell me if I need to go a different route in the morning.

I’d like to use the “waypoints=” portion as well so that I can verify it’s checking timing for the route I normally go (not just the timing of the best route). I don’t see that option listed anywhere. Anyone know if that can be put somewhere currently?

example of waypoints:,+NY&destinations=South+Bend+IN+46614&waypoints=via:St+Joseph+Valley+Pkwy,+South+Bend,+IN+46614&departure_time=now&traffic_model=best_guess&key=[your-api-key]

My brilliant wife pointed out that I can look at the distance and if the distance is what I expect, then presume it’s going the standard route. That will probably work in a pinch, but it might be nice to have a waypoints option too.

I know this is an old thread, but I have input several origin addresses separated by pipe, using place_id:
origin: place_id:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|place_id:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy|place_id:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

@baronKanon could you elaborate? I have added destinations using pipes as you described and it’s showing me time to the 1st one, not the total route time.