Google Nest API Not working

Ended up rebooting a few more times and finally found my root cause in the logs:
Configuration error: Subscription misconfigured. Expected subscriber_id to match 'projects/./subscriptions/.

Corrected in my yaml and looks good!

Has anyone with a nest indoor cam got the sensors into HA? I only have the camera stream without motion sensors being picked up by the integration, it also doesn’t load every time. running on a pi4 with ssd.

Error opening stream rtsps://
9:17:13 – Stream (ERROR) - message first occurred at 24 January 2021, 20:28:45 and shows up 523 times
method DESCRIBE failed: 403 Forbidden
9:17:13 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 24 January 2021, 20:28:45 and shows up 493 times
Request for failed: 404
9:16:44 – Google Assistant (ERROR) - message first occurred at 24 January 2021, 20:59:16 and shows up 76 times
Error demuxing stream:
9:12:39 – Stream (ERROR) - message first occurred at 24 January 2021, 20:43:12 and shows up 79 times
The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
8:23:29 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 5:31:36 and shows up 2 times
The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
8:23:29 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 24 January 2021, 20:43:12 and shows up 5 times
Error demuxing stream while finding first packet: Invalid data - got 7 packets with missing DTS while initializing
8:06:36 – Stream (ERROR) - message first occurred at 6:45:00 and shows up 4 times
missing picture in access unit with size 10094
8:06:20 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 8:06:20 and shows up 3 times
nal size exceeds length: 9984 16
7:41:49 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 0:30:34 and shows up 2 times

Lots of errors appear also in the log. But the stream is working…

@Tim_Knowlden streams aren’t super solid yet due to the fact that urls expire after 5 minutes – working on a fix in

Great, no problem. Keep up the good work!

I’ve just got a nest hello today and integrated. Is there a way to get the button press in as my only entity is the stream?

Sorry. Just saw this question. Yes. I did pay the fee.

It uses device automations and not a separate entity.

Thank you, just to work out now how to increase annoucement volume on Sonos

Hi there

I’m having the exact same problem, did you ever fix this?


I had the exact same problem and after restarting the Nest, deleting the integration and adding it again everything worked.

I was having the same exact issue and LL-HASS’s comment pointed me in the right direction. In configuration.yaml, the “subscriber_id” should be the subscription name, not topic name. Hope this helps anyone else that comes across this issue!