Google Nest Hello Refresh/Trigger OAuth Flow


I’ve just setup my Nest Hello doorbell on an existing integration using SDM (production mode but sandboxed, authed via the OAuth flow)

I’ve reloaded and restarted and my device hasn’t shown up.

I’ve realised that when I completed the OAuth flow, it asked me to specify which devices to allow permissions to. Now I’ve got a new device, obviously that’s not specified.

I can’t find a way to change it on the Google side, and I also can’t find a way to restart the OAuth federation in HomeAsssistant.

What can I do? Where is the OAuth token saved and how can I kill it? It doesn’t seem to be in the config directory anywhere.

Home Assistant pretty modern (should be latest, I pull every restart), installed in Docker, not Home Assistant OS, not Supervisor and not cloud.

Thanks in advance all.

It was really easy. Figured it out.

Remove the permissions from Google console, then restart home assistant and reauthenticate from scratch

Would be good if the addon was able to trigger a flow to update permissions though.

Thanks that makes sense. Deleting the integration and re-adding it will also do this and is equivalent in the mean time. (Devices get readded with the same IDs and names)