Google Nest integration driving me nuts

I’ll had to change my Nest Hello doorbel, because to old one was falling apart .
So i’ll tried to integrate the new doorbel wintin the nest integration, but without any succes.
What i did:
Removed the integration, removed all the Cloud Project, OAuth Consent screen, OAuth Application Credentials settings en changed the Device Access Project .
And tried setting up everything as discribed




But when i want to link the google account

translated : Can’t connect to Hassio Nest

So i tried to troubleshoot this by the url:
And there it says:
So i tried to connect to so i can troubleshoot what’s going wrong
and this is what’s happening
when i klic to "okay button

What to do next ? And is everything working when it’s configured as above ?

I already tried changing the Authorized redirect URIs within the Api console from to the <HOME_ASSISTANT_URL>/auth/external/callback ,also tried both of them, but without any luck ( <HOME_ASSISTANT_URL> is then changed to my NabuCasa url )

On the integrations page make sure you have cleared the old credentials too (in HA)


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that’s one small step forward:

changed the API console to URL:


The log says:

* Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscriber 'projects/hassio-nest---------237/subscriptions/home-assistant-CHccmacN7O': 403 User not authorized to perform this action.
* Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscriber 'projects/---------203/subscriptions/home-assistant-MXzbcAQfOp': 403 User not authorized to perform this action.
* Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscriber 'projects/hassio-nest-------37/subscriptions/home-assistant-ANLQL5bxhV': 403 User not authorized to perform this action.

When deleting everything in HA and Google you can start from scratch. OR just have a look at what you are missing. The video is very clear in the steps to take or to check your own config what is missing.

i already start from scratch twice. Now getting this error over and over again

Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscriber 'projects/nest-hassio-365214/subscriptions/home-assistant-P9RJ7Hc6Fl': 403 User not authorized to perform this action.

Everything is just as discribed but somewhere there’s stil an issue

Did you enable both of these APIs (Smart Device management and Cloud Pub/Sub API)?
Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 11.42.40 AM

Seems like the one in step 7 may not have been enabled.

Jep, both are enabled

another suggestion. Did you use your personal Gmail address or a Google Workspace account that will not work with Nest?

The mail adres is a personal mail address. This integration was working fine for months. But afther i had to change the doorbell i think i broke it.
Today i’ll start over again, step by step (after i removed everyting first)

Victory … it finaly works …

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I’m having the exact same issue:

Failed to create subscriber ‘projects/abc-123/subscriptions/home-assistant-XYZ’: 403 User not authorized to perform this action.

Do you know what you did to fix it?

Hey, what was the final solution here? I always get the same error ( kan niet koppelen). What was the final fix for this?

Kind regards,

In my case the error was because the account trying to do the account linking was not a nest developper.

Have an issue with this integration.
I did everything based on the documentation provided.
I can see that new devices found.
When I click it asks for the project id and MDM project ID, after that it opens a page for linking.
I see my oauth values, they are correct but redirecturl is always: redirect_uri=

It’s not my domain.
For the Web application, i used my own domain but it never appears… so 2 days but mot lucky cant link account.

Had the same problem, my GCP is under a gsuite domain but Nest account was using a gmail. In my case the solve was to add my gmail address as an authorized user in GCP.

I personally gave up. I ordered an Ecobee Premium for one of my four AC units which I had to replace because the Nest failed causing the unit to run 24/7 burning out my condenser and air handler. While the Ecobee did require a developer account and the creation of an app profile, it required far fewer steps than the Nest and unlike the Nest, I actually got it to work with HA. I’m ordering three more Ecobees to replace my other three Nests so I can get those working with HA as well.