Google Nest Integration loses connection with Nest Thermostats and requires reloading/restaring

For the last few days, I have noticed that my HA instance loses connection with the Nest Thermostat integration – in that:

  1. The climate sensor no longer responds to changes in the thermostat set points and vice-versa, I can’t see changes on my dashboard
  2. The corresponding temperature sensor doesn’t record changes

Note that the thermostats are online in that I can reach them via the Google Nest app.
Also, I can manually read the thermostats using a shell script that does a GET request on the Google API so it’s not a problem with the thermostats themselves or with my Google API credentials.

Reloading the integration or restarting HA seems to resolve the problem until it again loses connection… but this of course is not a solution…

The integration has been stable until now.

NOTE: it’s possible that this was triggered by my thermostats going offline when I shut down my furnaces for cleaning and that somehow they then lost signal and were not re-discovered when I powered them back up…

Has anybody else had this problem?

Note I also reported this as a bug:

Yes, I am seeing this as well. The problem got so bad, I need to be reloading and re-authenticating twice a day. This must be because the integration is not approved by Google, so they only issue a short-lived token.

There are issues today that are causing problems.

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I’m relieved to see this post… I’ve been seeing the same issues for the past day or so.

Setpoints set in HA aren’t sent to the thermostats reliably. Manual setpoints made at the thermostat don’t update in HA. And I couldn’t even log into the Nest app this morning. Hopefully this gets resolved quickly.

They reported the issue fixed an hour ago, however HA still not able to connect to Nest partner. I am investigating reluctantly.

Mine is back to normal this morning, when it calls for heat HA knows and I can once again calculate my gas usage :slight_smile:

Excitement turned to dismay for me!
I reloaded (and this occurs suspiciously immediately, like in 1/10 second)
Still no connection.
Checked but everything there ticked as normal
Checked Nest Status Page and says it is resolved

Just in case anyone else reading this, I restarted HA completely and my feeds have come back to life.
There is a secondary issue - discussed elsewhere - to do with Eero and Thread. If I switch on Thread, I find that the Nest Thermostats lose connection with the heatlink. So anyone else with this setting, be mindful.

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That ties up with my ZBT-1 (when I enabled thread) knocking out my Nest Thermostat.

So far it seems to have been fixed with 2024.11.2
But time will tell…

Happened again - lost connection until I reloaded the Nest Integration.
Definitely something broken here…

I’m happy to read your report.

This is happening to me as well. I need to reload the integration every morning.

If anyone is having a similar problem please add to bug report: