Google Nest integration problem

Looked through similar problems but not the same as mine.
Followed the lastest Youtube and it seemed to complete OK. But when I tried to configure the
Nest, the last step gave me this error:

If you’re the app developer, register the redirect URI in the Google Cloud Console.
Request details: redirect_uri=

I am not sure what is ‘//

Thanks for the help.

It’s sad that this post and countless others regarding Nest Integration are not getting any resposnes from anyone here. Makes me wonder if this integration actually works.

Were you able to get your Nest integration to work? I am new here (to HA in general). The Nest thermostat stuff is the most interesting to me, and I can’t get it to work. I “think” I did the crazy techy steps right? Regardless, all I get is this empty bubble message that comes up and it doesn’t appear in my list of devices. No clue where how to proceed.