I’ve had the Nest integration working since March 2023, with 2 Nest thermostats. One of my thermostats failed (wifi chip, apparently) and Google sent me a replacement, which I have configured the same as the one that failed. It works fine with the Nest app on my phone, but the HA Nest integration is no longer providing data. I looked at the entities associated with that thermostat and HA reports that “This entity is no longer being provided by the nest integration”.
I’m not sure how to start the troubleshooting. I went through the Google dashboards and projects and I was unable to find anything specific to the thermostats. The only thing I can think of is to remove the Nest integration from HA and add it back, but I thought that I’d check here first to see if anyone else has any experience with this.
A new thermostat will be seen as a different device (likely on mac address) so the failed one will not show up again. Do remove and readd integration.
I did the remove and re-add integration, and that fixed it. During the re-add, a Partner Connections Manager web page came up, and control for the new thermostat was disabled. I enabled it and completed the process. The integration had some new entity names, but the entity IDs were the same, so the databases and dashboard controls hooked up effortlessly.