Home Assistant 2023.1.1
Supervisor 2022.12.1
Operating System 9.4
Frontend 20230104.0 - latest
Whe I select the “History” for my Google Nest thermostats (“devices”) and then look at the “Heating” “entity”'s history for all 4 of my Google Nest devices:
The “heating/cooling” [ON/OFF] entity is not properly displayed UNLESS the historical chart’s timeframe is expanded to at least three-days. Not all of the heating/ON, even hour-long ON times, are shown in the chart when the chart duration is less than 3 days long.
The correct Google API-polled data is clearly being stored with the SQLLite database, yet the chart logic appears to have a minor bug when attempting to display the (default) 2-day chart’s duration.
- Can anyone else confirm the same?
The first chart below is the default chart duration of 2023-JAN-07 thru 2023-JAN-08 (missing ON events)
The second chart below is the same entites but from 2023-JAN-6 thru 2023-JAN-08 (missing ON events)