Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

My best thought I have is to create a separate lovelace panel that you switch to with the cameras set to live mode.

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Forget about it man, Nest cameras barely work with HA. The stream from API is not the same stream that is used by Nest apps. It’s delayed and it breaks a lot in HA, these cameras are useless. I’m looking to ditch them and use proper CCTV instead.

Also, the fact they still didn’t put immersion heating / water heating in the API makes me hate this company even more.


try using Low Latency HLS if you are seeing delays. Nest - Home Assistant this cuts latency to two seconds. This is not specific to nest.

I also have built a RTSPtoWebRTC addon based on the custom component that will be supported in the next home assistant release that gives realtime latency.


Also, what you are talking about is not relevant to the person you are talking to said. They have the new webrtc cameras that already have zero latency.

Would it be possible to get the persons name, if camera detected as a “familiar face” though the event service?

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Hi @corvy – that data is not available through the API. Right now Home Assistant implements every possible feature the SDM API provides, and I recently added a table on the integration instructions showing each camera and what the SDM API supports.


I was attempting to setup 2 automations to change the Preset on my nest thermostat. When I test the automation to change the preset to eco, it doesn’t stick. By that I mean if I watch the thermostat in the google home app, I can see the preset change to eco then a second later it changes back to the mode it was in prior.

So if I have the thermostat set to Comfort (which doesn’t appear to be a preset option in the integration) and use the service call climate.set_preset_mode to change it to eco, the google home app (on my phone) will flash eco then go right back to Comfort.

Also, if I manually set Eco in the google home app, the ha integration shows preset_mode: none.

Would you mind filing an issue in github? Reporting issues - Home Assistant it should get routed to me to have a look.

The first issue sounds like a nest API issue if its not accepting the RPC, and having it recorded in github will make it easier if i can reproduce and speak to the nest API team about it. Thank you!

Sure thing. Thank you.

Her is the bug report. Hope I did it correctly. This was my first bug report.

apologies, can you file under home assistant core? Thank you

Sorry. Just opened a new post and closed the other.

This integration and the support for WebRTC made me upgrade from older Nest cameras to new ones. Thanks for this @allenporter.

However, I’m having trouble building automations based on events from newer Nest Cams / Doorbell (battery).
I enabled logging and see some events like this below. Cool that it states the zone, but I can’t figure which camera that is and automation seems to not pick up these events at all.

2022-01-17 12:12:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event] EventMessage raw_data={'eventId': '06f3fd9b-ecc6-4bf6-95a1-cc9bdec27023', 'timestamp': '2022-01-17T20:11:39.525Z', 'resourceUpdate': {'name': 'enterprises/4c1b39fe-0382-42ad-9113-4666cfdab10f/devices/AVPHwEtBGHMFvj9qbrWNjNZEkL1xSVt9tDOxw_cWrzn0jLd5z1Nu-rVkawJkqKgqLVKWV3Jla6h1exJ7A-SobMjXTyDfpA', 'events': {'': {'eventSessionId': '1641509262', 'eventId': '115368490', 'zones': ['Zone 1']}}}, 'userId': 'AVPHwEtxsEotC10cSSFzMH8vEtI-raJtCYLojbqfgsRp', 'eventThreadId': 'e361ee6b-6aa6-4b9f-a4fd-e30082cdcb36', 'resourceGroup': ['enterprises/4c1b39fe-0382-42ad-9113-4666cfd*****/devices/AVPHwEtBGHMFvj9qbrWNjNZEkL1xSVt9tDOxw_cWrzn0jLd5z1Nu-rVkawJkqKgqLVKWV3Jla6h1exJ7A-SobMjXTyDfpA'], 'eventThreadState': 'ENDED'}

Also, are the events that SDM tracks related to Google Home notification settings? Or it should communicate all events, no matter what the user settings are?

Not sure how, but the events work fine now. I was playing with a service account and its permissions but maybe it’s unrelated.

As for my second question — I believe user settings do influence what SDM processes. That’s not perfect, but ok.

Yes, user settings influence the API. Think of it like privacy features you are enabling or disabling in the API. Also Nest - Home Assistant mentions what contribute to the behavior of this, including google home or google nest app settings, just saying this for completeness.

I have never seen zones show up in the event messages before! Wow, lots of folks ask for that so i’d like to see how consistently these show up.

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@mountain I am seeing that the new WebRTC cameras may be supporting zones with an undocumented features. I filed Nest camera zones undocumented feature · Issue #186 · allenporter/python-google-nest-sdm · GitHub to explore this.

I am running Home Assistant core 2021.12.10 in a Docker on a Synology NAS. I have the Nest integration up and running with my Nest thermostat v3, Nest Cam IQ indoor and Nest Doorbell v1. Thermostat works fine and for both camera’s i can view the streams and event snapshots (of most events) in the Media Browser.

However, in the Home Assistant log, I have the repeating warning below. I have enabled the debug logging as mentioned on the Nest integration page. In the debug log I can also see that for some camera events there are no messages related to getting the camera snapshot (request[post], request[post json] and request[get]).

Hope you can help.

Logger: google_nest_sdm.event_media
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/google_nest_sdm/
First occurred: 19:15:32 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:49:05

Failure when pre-fetching event ‘CiUA2vuxr6BaVk3ADmwKSayP_YWCOMXuA380R4m2dbcKiJy6gF3LEr4BAGJvXccwgVBNbstC35FlNR5iHEZJVpcBe3dxSe35jtLJrV4MTz2j1urXfBsHNqIF8J3ag3OV3hH1LXkEX18HkgAnCl4SVmccsCwMUGbMMG64oNavwE5d2TFtNSvi_ZIUrzaO8cpssDCGo5OgOAeonsvj7z4C791wpvvR7kGmw1R1LZpGH5ysyr8mgT5H40eRDDXfpPuzvZcskfAivaamSwqGivmSKe_Mh9CRmPLxOxF0GXZZ3UGtCSF1GA5j5g’: Internal Server Error

Failure when pre-fetching event ‘CiUA2vuxr48OIa9QqAj7vp0XqY8DFe92D_A-9vMt3UCayqocF-cGEsABAGJvXcd1-VyUuuURxUSGbhFcGaFeDLmvHeCIx7aQTZLXvDiRSh1HZkHB03ZBrEbhYYbjVa2tCIZgcJsrFl2lQrspFsVB-06NTD9J5VWMG54MJXgr3wEqGk-3r-hcLJWW0kC6iqIsNnA3jxZ-zGch8DQEOG1nT2nxTx1tFl4kjkRuoN1KheqJiUriD6Qfby2s_v4Xiz5TLIhn4E2E0eTS8aWHs04bSP0f_Poqyw3tl76r9h0M8uJ2KaZ8KcEoWuzd’: Error connecting to API: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Try again]

Failure when pre-fetching event ‘CiUA2vuxr7uOcfmsV5Fdms9o9AVgG6owulZdOhwhV1NBW4eRuXqjEr8BAGJvXccG-O2BQNhnGHv21EBxSm15X2qJ7XcUqQ8zOyf9jW680UWRZ9uyFWKPqKH4sfCE0Ok0lnD4BnGwC5jLM7kOXMPUmshyjUrpk2b_tMnfYTJ2GMfE64MtXbel-smnnFPTHZbnprEX47IvPcQHecdeV3_yGm75TmZNyPguvA3NaZANhlRptFiMws9tr1vxKXb12S7AZZ7dyJjYqmwY2LxX2NMP4t6gsKnTqr6_WhTIS7NlZE-L0BV_yUeN-Pg’: Error connecting to API: Server disconnected

Seems like a network issue. Do you have ipv6 enabled by chance? I often see folks report that turning off ipv6 resolves these kinds of network issues sometimes (though not sure why it wouldn’t work). Presumably your network should be working given you received the message notifications, though.

Thank you for the response and sorry for the late reply. I am not using ipv6 as it was giving me other problems as well. I tried playing around with DNS server settings, but it looks like it is not related to that. I still have around 24 warning messages with the Internal Server Error every 24 hours.
Is there anything else i can try?

Now the works with Nest is removed from HA I need to migrate to the Device access Console. But is it still possible to set the home/away status of the nest thermostat? I read somewhere that this is not the case…