Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Thank you for the instructions, much more logical, but I still can not get it done. It would appear my HA has the old Nest integration and I don’t know how to delete it or replace it. I get compile errors when I try to add the project ID. Any thoughts? Thanks, Fred J .

got it running i think and only thing i cant suss out is the refresh token thing ?

I would create a 2nd Client ID, and Client secret, which looks like you will need to create another project too. This will ensure that you don’t mess with your working integration.

Follow the directions carefully, you will need curl at the command line, or use postman (application that you can install) so that you can create the correct requests.

Here is where you get the refresh token:

You will now have all 4 elements, client ID, client secret, project ID, and refresh token. Put them in your secrets file, and you are off…

I’ve abandoned the HA Nest integration (for now until it’s up to snuff & working) just to avoid any possible conflicts with my current google project and the refresh token for The Nest integration is not needed to have working.

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Meant to tag this as reply, see my previous post.

well having troubles getting the google oauth to return anything, as i said im a complete newby so probably something stupid, it just sits there with > guessing im not typeing in correctly. The ? on curl line , do i input that ? The & after red text ? sorry i know these are basics

The nuances of Linux! You have to make sure your input line from your copy/paste is not broken into multiple input lines.
I paste mine into notepad and then delete the extra CR’s between the multiple lines. The ‘curl’ input line into your terminal session has to be a single line. i.e…
curl -L -X post '

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I need to do a lot more research before I do that. Need to better understand appdaemon before I start messing with it so I have a general idea what I’m doing first. Thanks!

AppDaemon 4 is a pretty simple add-on for HA…
Supervisor, Add-on Store, search for appd and AppDaemon 4 displays.
Or, scroll down to Home Assistant Community Add-ons and you’ll see AppDaemon 4.
Click and install the same as you would for Duck DNS, File Editor, Mosquitto Broker, Samba Share, etc., etc.

After that, just place in config/appdaemon/apps directory. The AppDaemon add-on has a OPEN WEB UI link in the lower right corner of the Info panel.
Then follow the guide to getting and configuring the nest secrets & the refresh token part that requires in addition to the 4 elements that the Nest Integration requires. If you got the Nest Integration working, all you need is the additional refresh token. I have removed the Nest Integration for now since all it provides is humidity and temp sensors…


As far as I know, the current Nest integration is still broken/incomplete. You can easily remove and re-install the Nest Integration any time you want after you’ve got the initial config working, HA and Google-wise. As they develop and refine it, I don’t expect you’ll have to re&re it. It should auto-update as HA updates, or you may see something new on the Integrations page like I just did for my Alexa Media Player today informing me I had to re-authenticate.

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Next HA release will have many fixes, including that one, but still will have a few bumps to work out.

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(the HA nest integration is actively being worked on, but it’s also running through a few iterations making the pubsub subscriber work and figuring out all camera streaming issues. It also takes awhile for improvements to land in a HA release)


I completely understand the work it’s going to take and appreciate the huge effort. In the end it will be great!

Has the google API library (correct term??) update made it into HA yet which I think was necessary for the sensors to be updated without an HA restart??

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Appreciate it’s easy to maybe get working, but I’d prefer to understand what it is I’m doing in case there’s any issues (which I’m sure I’ll have)…at this point I’ve heard of AppDaemon but have no idea really what it does, so want to read up on that first. :slight_smile: It’s also why I haven’t messed with much customization with Lovelace…

@dbrunt yeah in merged in, but not released, though there are other issues after that. I just made a change for it to use a service account for the pubsub feed instead of oauth. Totally on board with folks using app daemon. Very cool that we have the flexibility to make all these things work together however we want.

That sounds like it might be easier for folks to set up?


how I can have the climate entity like you ?

I just have 2 sensors (temperature and humidity available).

Big thx

Sounds like you are using the integration. I built an AppDaemon app which work with HASS but is not directly integrated.

Read through the above. You have to get AppDaemon installed and working, then copy the to the proper location. Update the app.yaml file, and you are off. The will read your account for thermostats (sorry, I don’t have cameras and doorbells…) and dynamically create the climate entities and map the appropriate services.


Sorry, hit the wrong reply button, see my post above.