Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Did you put it in one line? Because if the line breaks are in it won’t work.

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I’ve tried both, but with two different error messages :confused:

Nice neat approach, thanks! It works well for me too.


They discontinued one cloud-based API and a year later replaced it with another cloud-based API. I recall there was talk of a local API but I guess that either didn’t make it into the initial release or was just … talk.

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@pissten Try using Postman. Worked for me.

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Try this:

curl -X POST '' -d "{}"

Just saw that the Google Nest API for developers is opened now. I’m not by any means a developer but thought the Home Assistant developers might want to know. Here’s a link to the info:



This command returns the following response:

 curl: (3) Failed to convert ‘https to ACE; string contains a disallowed character

Maybe you can do the authorization part again, I’ve had trouble the first time as well, but after getting a new authorization code it did work.

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after 3 rounds on the authorization part, it is now working :smiley: Thank you all for great help!

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Try again - somehow I did not save it as a text block and a “2” ended up at the end of the curl command.

FFPlay (ffmpeg player) will play RTSPS streams. I tested it out with my Nest doorbell camera. The new device access console access/api is not too dissimilar to the previous one, so it shouldn’t take too much refactoring to get the nest integration up and running.

Has anyone managed to get the “Home/Away” status of the structure at all? I’ve not been able to find this in the documentation of the various APIs


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If the token is stored in the secrets file. Can we create an automation that automatically generates the new token every hour ?

So there is a fee?

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yep. doesnt make you broke right?

Is there already someone who’s creating a custom integration for HA?

i hope so, or maybe they will update the official one