Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

hey guys, I am not new to HA but just realized the Nest API was now open. I followed the HA nest integration steps and nothing happens. It just says that it couldn’t link when I get to the last step. I also took a look at the error in the Google documentation and it says that the OAuth ID is not correct or that the device access app is disabled. The ID is EXACTLY the same, and the app shows as active in the device access portal. I also noticed that when using the topic path of the app and connecting that to a pub sub subscription there are no messages even if I manually generate one from my doorbell and thermostat. Any Ideas? (Also yes I paid the $5 and used the same gmail account for all the steps)

Thanks very much that worked perfectly and gave me a small bit of additional knowledge.

Thanks very much for this, i used the other .yaml but this pointed me to the right info so i could amend the icon and unit of measurement on the new sensors.

Happy to help! I remember being where you are at not that many months ago. There’s lots to learn…

yeah, I’m about a month or so in and there’s so many different things I want to do at once, hard to prioritise. More advanced automations next!

If you want to do advanced automations, you may wish to consider the use of Node-Red. I personally don’t use HA automations, because I simply can’t imagine doing the stuff of the complexity I’m writing in YAML.

That’s next on my to-do list…

I’ve looked at it before but my automations i still want to do aren’t that complicated:

Turn a light on, based on motion, if its less than x lux brightness, turn off after 3 minutes if no further motion.

Turn a set of lights on in the evening, based on motion, turn off if no further motion.

Turn 5 lights on to x value on a weekday morning.

I have them built in automations, but they are disabled as they weren’t working properly and I didn’t have time to dig in to them , I think I’ve probably made them over complicated, for some I have 2 automations, one for on, one for off, now they are combined and are calling scenes and scripts etc.

I started with simple automations for my lights. Then added Circadian Lighting. Then changed the automations to Entity Controller. Now I am using Adaptive Lighting and Magic Areas…

Interesting looking at those components. Not got into circadian lighting stuff, but I may take a look. The Magic Areas I do mostly by creating aggregator entities for motion, lighting, etc and then automating in node-red. I’ll take a look at Adaptive Lighting for colour sometime and see if it gets wife approval.

I have tried all night to set this up so I can intergrate a nest cam.

I get to the part where I am required to create a google cloud platform subscription and the cloud shell fails to create, so if I manually create one it then doesn’t show any messages pulled from the device. In turn no entities show in HA?

@Tim_Knowlden Make sure you’re running the latest home assistant. It will log ERROR messages telling you if any of the subscription stuff was configured wrong. Any error log messages?

Logger: homeassistant.components.nest
Source: components/nest/
Integration: Nest (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 22 January 2021, 22:12:08 (1occurrences)
Last logged: 22 January 2021, 22:12:08

Configuration error: Subscription misconfigured. Expected topic name to match ‘projects/sdm-[a-z]+/topics/.*’ but was ‘projects/hanest-xxxxx/topics/enterprise-xxxx-4541-4a16-bf48-xxxx’.

Removed some of the info, but I believe the problem starts with the api before integrating into home assistant as I got errors in the cloud shell

OK: This means that the topic id in the cloud console is not the right one. It is a bit odd, but you have to go do the device access console and copy the project id, then use that in the subscription topic. The one you want looks like projects/sdm-prod/topics/blah-blah

Double check the steps in

Good luck, you’re very close.

Okay thanks for the tip, I have tried to edit the project id in the subscription topic… however been unable to, I have several attempted subscription topics, So I have copied a different one into the config.yaml. now rebooting…

Does the nest integration in home assistant now pull in devices or do I have to manually add these using yaml?

A little success, Im not convinced everything is working though, but I have 1 entity now. camera.null… no motion sensors. but its progress.

Camera is now integrated again after following the home assistant guide by the letter, I only get the camera stream its not live and there are no sensors with it? its a nest indoor cam

Every few days this integration is requiring re authenticating, is this normal?

I get a lot of errors and sometimes the stream requires me to change between Lovelace views to get it to load.

I don’t know if others with this integration working get a lot of errors in the log. Or have I done something wrong?

Request for failed: 404
20:59:06 – Google Assistant (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:29:13 and shows up 173 times
Error opening stream rtsps://
20:57:16 – Stream (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:35:06 and shows up 103 times
method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
20:57:16 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:35:06 and shows up 101 times
Error demuxing stream:
20:39:00 – Stream (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:34:46 and shows up 36 times
The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
20:15:17 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:34:46 and shows up 2 times
The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
20:15:17 – components/stream/ (ERROR) - 

This is a common report, but I don’t know why yet. Did you recent change your password or have a weird clock? has a big list of potential reasons.