Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

@allenporter I’m running 2021.2.0 and I don’t have any errors that are specific to Nest showing in the logs. This is a bear indeed, it seems that on my first install when it worked it was by sheer luck it worked.

Update: Invoking ‘Restart’ at the physical ‘Nest’ thermostat recovered the connection to the GCP API - SDM & Pub/Sub. Working again!!!

Is this a thermostat? See discussion above about other questions and details.

I can confirm that the 2021.2 version works fine using the camera.snapshot automation. Now it captures and forwards the same image as the nest native app uses on detection.

Good work @allenporter :slight_smile:

I have a question on refresh rate of the humidity sensor. My Nest device often shows a different value for humidity than what I see in HA or the Nest app. The app and HA usually match. The humidity sensor seems to be very delayed in updating in both the app and HA. Anyone know of a way to force it to update?

Hi, I’ve been trying to follow the guide for days.
I followed all the steps and entered the data in configuration.yaml but when I restart HA I have the following errors

@allenporter sorry for the late follow-up, but I came back to say adding extra logging didn’t help and found this discovery. My consent screen was also set to “testing”.

I’ve moved it to production. I’ll come back if anything goes wrong but I think we have pretty strong correlative evidence at this point that this was the issue. Any chance the integration instructions can be updated to include this detail?

Thanks for your help!

Yes I agree that is the right next step. Happy for someone to send a PR to update it or I can get to it at some point.

We should add both instructions to set this I’m set up and troubleshooting instructions.

Mine just expired today, 7days since I last renewed. But I had pushed to production after I renewed so I expect this login to stick for more than 7 days. Will watch.

2 weeks ago, my thermostat in HA started saying Unavailable. I thought there would be a fix later, so I waited. Then I came here, and couldn’t find anything. It worked for about 3-6 months just fine with the google API method. I tried reinstalling the integration, and it went thru the google process just fine, and it was recreated, but it did not detect the thermostat… So I have the Nest integration with no entities. Any thoughts?

I am starting to think about the idea of just getting a different thermostat. This one has been issues all the way. Any advise there?


@EspElement definitely fixable!

  • anything in error log?
  • what HA version?
  • have you seen or tried the integration troubleshooting steps specifically for that symptom?

Where would I go for the log?


Not sure where the troubleshooting steps are. I was trying this morning when I decided to delete the integration and when I added it back, for some reason it did not detect the thermostat entity.

@EspElement I experience the same issue you sight. I was not seeing neither device nor entities in the integration page. Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

I solved this by invoking a ‘Restart’ at the physical ‘Nest’ thermostat which made the device visible to the GCP API - SDM & Pub/Sub.

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I will try this tonight. Thanks!!

Thanks for the suggestion. I did a “Restart” at the physical ‘Nest’ thermostat, and ‘reload’ under HA - integration. And the device showed up!

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@suan Glad to hear it worked for you too.

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Yes this worked for me! Thanks a bunch


I had this problem too and you solution worked for me also. Thanks!

Awesome, glad everyone is working again.

This guidance is currently on the home assistant nest integration troubleshooting page as is most commonly reported problems in this forum. Just wanted to flag for others coming here.



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