Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

This is my fault! Although part of the camera functionality has already been merged into the Home Assistant codebase (thanks to the work by @allenporter), it hasn’t been released yet as of HA 0.117.0.

I submitted a change to the documentation in order to change the camera link from “(Legacy API Only)” to “(Both APIs)” because the functionality had already been merged, and also in order to fix some broken links. However, this change was incorrectly incorporated as part of the documentation release for HA 0.117.0, so that’s why you end up seeing the “(Both APIs)” next to “Camera” instead of “(Legacy API Only)”.

I’ve submitted a fix, and I’m now waiting for a docs maintainer to accept it.

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When trying to add the integration, I am transported to this page:
where it says Something went wrong. Please contact the developer of this app if the issue persists.


  client_secret: 3xvxCxmxzxlxmxKxLxrxJxxx
  # Fields required by Device Access (SDM) API.  Otherwise, use legacy API.
  project_id: aaaa-aaa-nnnnnnnnnn
  subscriber_id: home-assistant

I am starting over…will advise the outcome.

I tried it, configured it, but did not change the error message (since the redirect url still has 192.168… in it when i want to configure nest.)

I spoke to soon.
I have two entities representing temperature and humidity from the thermostat in HA however they have not updated since I configured the integration yesterday.

Either I’ve got a perfectly insulated home, or the sensors are simply not refreshing.

I know I’ve seen this reported somewhere with a workaround / fix but cannot for the life of me find it.
Can anyone advise how to correct this please?

@TazUk there is no workaround at the moment. It needs the google-cloud-pubsub updating from currnt version to later release. Details of the reported issue can be found here:

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Thanks @Townsmcp - saved me digging some more over the weekend.

My favourite kind of issue - I just have to watch the github issue and wait for people smarter than me to solve it :smile:


This might be an obvious one for everyone, but it wasn’t for me… I ran into a lot of issues because I was using Firefox. Some pages on the Google Cloud Platform did not load (such as the edit of the OAuth credentials) or it takes a really long time (such as the GCP terminal).

If you use Chrome to configure all the steps from A - Z, that really helps a bunch. Just my €0.02.

@allenporter Great work on the integration, bravo! I now have a Nest Thermostat (humidity and temp) in my Home Assistant, so I am eagerly waiting for the next iteration.

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@DidierM, although you now have the 2 devices, can you confirm they arent updating? Only update occurs on reboot of HA? Im just curious really

I have 2 Thermostats, so I have 4 entities currently and I can confirm that they do not update after initial configuration.

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@Townsmcp I can confirm that, restart of HA is the only way to update.
Is there already a registered issue for this?

Yes, issue already on GitHub:

If you have a GitHub account, might pay to subscribe to it to keep up to date

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Any COMPLETE guide to configure the news nest accounts?

The actual documentation is confused, it mixs legacy and new accounts…


I think I have the new api configured… But, I don’t see my Hello Nest…

It is supported?

I only have a hello, so… How I can check that all it is ok?

@MiguelAngelLV The integration does not support anything other than thermostat at the moment - and even then doesnt support the full thermostat; only temperature and humidity are currently supported for thermostat.

Thanks @avm9963 for the explanation. Thanks for your help.

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Glad it is working! Thanks for your patience everyone on getting all features and devices fully supported. The documentation is a bit confusing since it is a mix of both integrations, so if folks have better ideas for how to do the layout, contributions would be welcome.


I would love to contribute what I can, how and where can I do that?

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I think that the best way to make the docs clear is to really separate the legacy and new config in two blocks on the same page and redirect to the second block at the lower part of the page to ones that want to configure the legacy API. I can help you if you want.

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I think the HA side of things is setup fine. You may want to have another look at your ARR config as it can do weird things with your response headers.

It can cause some odd behaviour like demonstrated here:


First of all, thanks to the developers for the integration update :slight_smile: I followed the documentation and the integration has been added successfully.

Nevertheless, I have two doubts about the configuration file.


  • from Console Device Access or Google Cloud Platform?


  • projects/gcp-project-id/subscriptions/sub-id (Subscription name?)
  • projects/sdm-prod/topics/enterprise-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (Topic name?)
  • sub-id (Subscription id?)

As I have only one Nest Hello doorbell, I think it’s normal that there are no devices added in my Home Assistant.The integration of the doorbell will take the same functionality as the camera?

Thank you in advance.