Google Nest URI Error

I’m unable to setup Google Nest integration receiving the following error:

Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

You can’t sign in to this app because it doesn’t comply with Google’s OAuth 2.0 policy.

If you’re the app developer, register the redirect URI in the Google Cloud Console.

Request details: redirect_uri=Link to OAuth2 Authorize Callback – My Home Assistant flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow

I believe I am using the correct URI per the documentation:


Does this require a subscription to the Home Asisstant Cloud (NABA CASA) for it to work properly? If so, I think that should be explicitly stated in the documentation.

Hi, welcome to the forum!
Did you already have a look at this: Google Nest - Home Assistant

Also: Redirect_uri error for google nest integration error 400 - SOLVED

Unfortunately the Google Nest process is complicated and the slightest mistake prevents it from installing.
One issue I had was that an authentication had remained in HA from a previous installation, even from an attempted installation. Go to:

  • Settings
  • Devices and Services
  • Top right, 3 bullets
  • Application credentials
    Remove the Google Nest authentication and restart the installation process.

Yes, I did but I’m not using the Home Assitant cloud. Per my question above, not sure if that’s a requirement.

I don’t think this has anything to do with Home Assistant cloud…

It requires internet, so just local won’t be enough.


Thanks. Yes, my Home Assistant and Google Nest products have internet access.