Google Photos as Dashboard Background Image

I am trying to use my Google Photo integration as the background for a dashboard. I had no issues getting it work with my wallpanel integration using a local image url
however when I try to use this same as a local path nothing shows up. Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you in advance

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Googling and googling and I was not able to find any useful answer also :frowning:

Found in the Home Assistant documentation for Generic Camera that it serves the images via its server under /api/camera_proxy/camera.[name] (e.g. google_photos_favorites_media), but such a standard link misses all the auth information and results in “403 Forbidden” :frowning:

Any chance someone knows how to get the media-entity://camera.google_photos_favorites_media image URL, that it can be used as path for background image URL e.g. in a dashboard view?

  - title: Main
    id: Main
    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed

Simplifying: what to replace the link with, to get an image from Google Photos Integration camera? :wink: