Probably be a pretty large body of work, but it would be amazing to have Google Photos integration so would could have a photos card
I’m totally new to Home Assistant. Slowly porting everything over from Smartthings. I have no clue how much work a Google Photos Integration would require, but I’d like to second this idea.
I am surprised this hasnt caught on… any ideas on how to go about doing this would be greatly appreciated.
okay so I figured this one out…
I created a file in <hass_home_dir>/www/gphotos.html with the following code ( thanks to: )
<script src="" async></script>
<div class="pa-carousel-widget" style="width:100%; height:480px; display:none;"
data-title="Mr. Monstro"
data-description="4 new photos · Album by Pavel Macháček">
<object data=""></object>
<object data=""></object>
<object data=""></object>
<object data=""></object>
then i proceeded to create webpage lovelace-card with url: /local/gphotos.html
I have a carousel running on the dashboard now with my own google photos album. The hard part is to trust an external party with a link to your personal albums… which I didnt… and I did a wget <google_photos_shared_link> and then looked through the file for links that look like “<some_very_long_random_code” and pasted them in the code above. a little static and crude for now but works very well.
Oh nice! I will take a look at this later this weekend.
Interessting. Any other custom implementations available? Is it possible to somehow make use of google cast?
Is there a simple integration for Google Photos in the meantime? I ask because I would like to change my info monitor to a HA dashboard to maintain only one system.
At the moment I use MagicMirror2 for this. There I can display on my family album via an easy to implement module. Does anyone maybe see a way to add this functionality in HA as well? Unfortunately I lack the technical skills.
Thank you so much for your work!
Unfortunately I entered the wrong data, which are invalid. Where can I enter client ID and key again?
Edit: Found it. And it works great!
Awesome! I just installed it! It’s fantastic. Need to see if there is a way to make a camera entity a background photo
great work, I look forward to trying this as a screensaver on my tablet dashboard.
I wonder if it’d be possible to overlay other sensors onto the camera image (e.g. weather symbols, temperature, doorbell alerts etc)
Did you find a way? I am looking for a way to use the photos as theme background.
anything? wanting to do this too?