Google routines call from HA?

Does anyone know how you might call a google assistant routine from home assistant?

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Hi Joseph - I have been trying to work out how to do this too. Have you had any luck?

I’ve set up a few Routines in Google Home which work well in rooms where I have a combination of lights from differing systems (eg Hue light bulbs and Lutron RA2 Select / Caseta lights). My intention is to call a Google Home routine from HA on a button press so I get some semblance of scene based lighting control across these systems.

@PickeRick63 and @josephkiser04 did you manage to get this working in the end?
I have a good night routine in HA that runs on NodeRED (pretty complex flow) and would like to add a trigger to call a Google Home good night routine (switch off Govee lights, confirm alarm for the next day etc) but cant seem to find a way to do trigger the Google routine in HA

So the way I handle that is to put the logic in home assistant and tie it to an input_boolean so when you switch the boolean on it runs all the hass logic and then at the end of the hass logic I turn the input_boolean off. In that way it works as a toggle switch to run an automation. Then I expose that input_boolean to google and in the google routine I run what ever google routine stuff I need and tell it to turn the input_boolean switch on so that that automation logic runs. Hope that makes sense. Doing this allows you to tell google "good night"and it does everything you want. However the problem lies that you can’t really hit a button is hass and get all the google logic. There is an integration that allows you to call the google api and simulate a person making a request. Let me see where the forum post is.

So check into this basically it allows you to send commands to google and google will do its thing.

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Interesting - thanks for the heads-up :+1:

@josephkiser04 thanks - that worked really well. Installed ok from Chrome (first time round I tried from Firefox and it failed). Working well to call routines or any other commands direct from Node Red with my night time routine that shuts the house down for the night and switches over to night running for low level lights etc :slight_smile:

Awesome glad it worked out for ya!

Hey do you still use this? Do you mind sharing how you have it configured in NodeRed? Thanks