Google Travel Time avoid option error for Hassio version .88

I recently upgraded to Hassio version .88.1 and I started to see the below error. Per the current documentation on home assistant website (, avoid is still supported. Can anyone please help me with this? Is this a false error? What other option can I use to avoid tolls?

Thank you.

Error Message:
019-03-01 20:02:46 WARNING (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.helpers.config_validation] Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support.

Please remove [avoid].

My Setting:

  • platform: google_travel_time
    name: to_work_time
    api_key: !secret google_map
    origin: zone.home
    scan_interval: 87000
    avoid: tolls
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You’ll need to create an issue on Github to get this fixed.

Thanks for your response. I never created an issue, do I need to make a account first? Also what are the basics steps to create the issue? Thank you.

You will need to create a github account and then go to the home assistant repo and create a new issue and fill in the template.

Here is the right place:

Just click on the issues tab there and make a new issue.

I created my first issue :slight_smile:, thank you.

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