Would it be possible to manually enter in the origin and destination from the Frontend and calculate drive times based on those values? Or at least given 3 separate input_select values for origin and destination?
I’m sure this is completely off, but for an input_select example something like this for the sensor file:
- platform: google_travel_time api_key: API_KEY origin: value_template: >- {%- if is_state("input_select.google_origin", "Home") %} 35.28352, -119.79375600000002 {% elif is_state("input_select.google_origin", "Work") %} 35.0583595, -119.71483319999998 {% else %} 35.1544745, -119.77298309999996 {%- endif %} destination: value_template: >- {%- if is_state("input_select.google_dest", "Home") %} 35.28352, -119.79375600000002 {% elif is_state("input_select.google_dest", "Work") %} 35.0583595, -119.71483319999998 {% else %} 35.1544745, -119.77298309999996 {%- endif %} travel_mode: driving