Google Travel Time update_entity service not working reliably

I have configured Google Travel Time and deactivated automatic polling. When I try to update the sensors using the update_entity service this does not work reliably. I tried two different ways to automate the updates on working days in the morning. Via HA automations and also via Node Red. The service call does not throw an error, but the sensor is still not updated on each service call. Does anybody have the same problem and maybe also has a solution?

HI, I donot want to side-track your question but I am trying other paths as well. Until now I am using ‘wayze’ which is pretty OK but google is more accurate at times. … point is: wayze is free, google is not.
Can I assume that you are deactivating it to prevent (reduce) being charged?

Added to that, also totally not related (or?) … after some digging I can now update my family’s android(!!) phones remote to use high-accuracy (iPhone/…as usual…sucks)…this too helped in precision.