Google TTS

I have configured google tts as per example. This is a raspbian installation + all in one installer.

- platform: google
#    language: 'ru'

Than in the rule called it out

  service: tts.google_say
    message: 'Scene 24 on'

It didn’t say anything. Checked the logs

[ 7509.218264] 2016-12-28T09:46:56.463049+03:00 home hass[5150]: #033[32m16-12-28 09:46:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=play_media, service_call_id=1977590192-4, domain=media_player, service_data=media_content_type=music, media_content_id=http://LOCAL_RASP_IP:8123/api/tts_proxy/6e7fbd8bb95daa4670d34930deae529735c41d09_google.mp3>#033[0m

Tried to play it via external player but it was pure noise.

$ aplay 6e7fbd8bb95daa4670d34930deae529735c41d09_google.mp3
Playing raw data '6e7fbd8bb95daa4670d34930deae529735c41d09_google.mp3' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono

So what are the extra dependencies needed to be installed?

Try grand your HA user permissions for sound.

Which media player are you using?

Media player? Guess that’s what i was missing. I have an announcement system directly connected to the rasp pi3 via 3,5mm jack where the HA is running. So i have set up a local MPD instance and added it to HA. Can control it nicely - but still no tts.
Shall i set up VLC or MPC-HD for this purpose?

I have added homeassistant to the audio group on raspberry

It was noise because of use an aplay. Try to use mpg123 instead :slight_smile: