Hi there,
Big thanks to all who contribute here! Amazing eco-system.
I’ve been using Google Assistant with my HA via Nabu Casa for years. It’s been solid.
However in th last two or three weeks I’ve been unable to control (pause and resume normally) my Sonos speakers.
I have 10 of them around the house, I’m only able to toggle music with two of them now.
When I try to pause / resume I’m greeted with “Sorry something went wrong, when you’r ready give it another try”. OR another Sonos speaker in another part of the house takes on the actions I’ve invoked. It’s always the same one speaker that seems to be invoked.
I’ve tried deleting my Sonos Integration and reinstating. creating aliases in the Home Assistant Cloud Google Assistant section, re-syncing my entities in there too. Enabling / Disabling Google Assistant.
I’ve broken my groups up via Sonos app, tried individual speakers, no luck using voice assistant.
Sonos App and Media Player in HA all control speakers per normal (grouped and ungrouped).
I’ve rebooted my google home mini devices too.
They otherwise work okay for all other commands as far as I can tell. For example it tells me what the temp is in my study via a HA sensor…
Where do I start looking? I think it’s a problem with the Google Assistant, but not sure what logs I can pull from where to see.
When I trawl through the logbook for the device downstairs that works okay via the assistant I see this:
“Rumpus changed to Playing triggered by Google Assistant sent command mediaResume”
There are no such entries for the ones I want to control upstairs, it merely says it’s playing / paused.
My system:
Home Assistant Supervised
I use home assistant cloud
Where to start?