Google voice assistant

Hello awesome community
I am trying to control my devices through Google assistant but in Arabic
My approach:

  1. Using node-red and smart nora I made a flow to check the payload and use one of HA call services node.
  2. Installed Google home app on my Android mobile and link the smart nora add-on to it so all my devices appear on Google home.
  3. Everything works fine
  4. If I renamed my devices in Arabic and use Google assistant, voice commands doesn’t work because assistant doesn’t transcribe my Arabic commands properly but if I write the commands in the assistant it works great.
  5. And if I added Arabic language to Google assistant language list it transcribe my commands right but do a search instead of controlling my devices.

I know that I have to discuss this in Google communities not here but if anyone can help me or has another approach to use Arabic commands should be appreciated :+1: