Google Wifi Integration (Custom Component)

Thanks. Google was little help - which is upsetting because I was really hoping to try this out. Hopefully I will be able to do it without having to restore my network (cause thats just too annoying!) I was really looking forward to creating a nice network dashboard.

@djtimca I am trying to add this link as a custom repository and I am getting ā€œInvalid Add-on Repositoryā€ error. Is this no longer an option?

For now I have done this manual route. Once the repository option is fixed I will switch to that option.

Unfortunately the only way to change to the owner is a factory resetā€¦ If you keep it the same SSID and password it should be a quick processā€¦

This has been added to the main default HACS repository so you should no longer need to add the custom repository, just install direct from HACS.

What about IP addresses Iā€™ve saved?

Last time I had to factory reset it was a bit of a pain because of the IP reservations and routing rules, but I took it as an opportunity to reorganize my IP ranges etc. But still a pain.

I checked in the Add-on store and I do not see it. I checked on the Integrations as well I do not see it except for the one I added manually.

@hunkyn it wonā€™t appear in the Add-On store, only in the HACS (Community) store under Integrations. This canā€™t be added through the Supervisor Add-On store.

Ok did not realize there is another one. I am new to HA and have only been using for two weeks. I have a lot to learn. Right now I have another issues with HACS which I will follow on another thread. As for this one the manual process works great and already loving this. How do I get the custom service to restart the access points?

The custom services should be available once installed. The reset service is googlewifi.reset and you can pass either the system binary sensor or any of the individual access points that you want to reset.

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Thanks again. I was able to read further and able to create few buttons to restart the access points. I need to spend a lot of time in HA to understand it better and possibly write better cards. For now Just trying to get the basics done. This is a fantastic add-on and thank you for all the help.

Yeah trueā€¦ It was a bit of a pain with all the reservationsā€¦

I finally got HACS issues resolved and now everything is setup for this add-on. QQ, is there a way to automatically add any new devices discovered to Lovelace? I would like to see Guest Devices card and since they are not always available wanted to see if there is an easy way to automatically add these new devices.

Iā€™m not aware of a way for this, but Iā€™m sure there is some sort of custom card that would do it.

Yes. I will do some digging into it and if I get to it I will post it here.

My brother and I have the same problem. While it pulls information nicely, we constantly drop our WiFi and internet in the house. Iā€™ve had it happen numerous times now. My brother removed it a few days ago and his internet is stable again. I just removed as I cant have the constant internet drops. Anyone else having stability issues once this is enabled?

Mine has been as stable as it has ever been (which unfortunately tends to be limited by my provider). Is there a difference if you slow the polling interval?

All stable here so far, I have around 30+ devices on my network and all working normally.

I had a similar problem. Canā€™t say for certain, but since I enabled this component I had 2 internet dropouts requiring a router reboot. I have uninstalled the integration, and nothing since. Prior to installing it, I had a stable network with no dropouts for 2+ yearsā€¦