After the local SDK from GoogleHomeassistant is supposed to work with the new update from HA, I tried it out right away.
I had already configured GoogleAssistant and it is running quite well so far.
Today I then configured the locale SDK according to the official instructions.
Then I listed the devices in Chrome and checked what was happening with the Inspect button. Here, however, error messages are constantly being thrown out:
[134.120s] [smarthome.DeviceManager] Logging to stackdriver: {"requestId":"Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6","timestamp":{"seconds":1643917335,"nanos":511000000},"appVersion":"1.0.0","intent":"action.devices.IDENTIFY","severity":"ERROR","message":"{\"requestId\":\"Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6\",\"payload\":{\"errorCode\":\"DEVICE_VERIFICATION_FAILED\",\"debugString\":\"VerificationId failed to match any unverified devices.\"}}","errorCode":"DEVICE_VERIFICATION_FAILED"}
Please make sure that your home assistant can be reached locally at http.
Then add another mDNS entry in the Action Console: Home._home-assistant._tcp.local
After a few minutes then restart the Google Smart Speaker.
Now it should work after a few minutes.
Is it possible that older Google Home Mini’s are no longer supported? I no longer have any error messages with the NEST devices, the message only comes up with the Mini of the 1st generation.
ok, i have it like below, now, added a second with “home.” at the front, now it seems the error is indeed gone when i inspect the devices, but the commands are still not fired local…
do you still have an internal/external url set in the config? people are saying they need to be blanc now?