Got doubles of some of my entilities

I have problem that some of my IKEA Tradfri-lights seems double in my list of entilities. In this example I have a light: light.toalett_nere

then I also have a: light.toalett_nere_2.

The only difference between them is that one of them (the one cant be used to trigger the light) has is_hue_group: true as attribute. I have both a IKEA gw and a hue gw, but in the hue I just got 3 lamps. And its no IKEA in that gw. Any idea how I fix this? As my automations seems to broken too since I connected the hue-bridge to hass yesterday :frowning:

Also have to say, I can trigger light.toalett_nere through the gui and the light turn on. But when I use it in automation.yaml and try trigger the automation it wont light up. :frowning: