Got Errors with my configuration of Openmqttgateway

Hello I’m using a fan with a 433mhz remote control. So I want to use a esp32 with cc1101 and openmqttgateway. So far so easy, cause that works. But with my configuration in HA I’m always get this error:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.device_trigger
Quelle: components/mqtt/
Integration: MQTT (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 9. Dezember 2024 um 19:13:26 (2 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 9. Dezember 2024 um 19:13:26

Config for device trigger 10061C828F60--117-RF conflicts with existing device trigger, cannot set up trigger, got: {'automation_type': 'trigger', 'type': 'button_short_press', 'subtype': 'turn_on', 'topic': 'home/OMGateway/433toMQTT/117', 'device': {'identifiers': ['10061C828F60'], 'via_device': 'OMGateway', 'connections': []}, 'qos': 0, 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'payload': None, 'value_template': None}
Config for device trigger 10061C828F60--127-RF conflicts with existing device trigger, cannot set up trigger, got: {'automation_type': 'trigger', 'type': 'button_short_press', 'subtype': 'turn_on', 'topic': 'home/OMGateway/433toMQTT/127', 'device': {'identifiers': ['10061C828F60'], 'via_device': 'OMGateway', 'connections': []}, 'qos': 0, 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'payload': None, 'value_template': None}

My configuration:

   - fan:
       name: "Venti"
       unique_id: fan.living_room_fan
       state_topic: "home/OMGateway/433toMQTT/#"
       state_value_template: >-
         {% if value_json.protocol == 8 and value_json.length == 12 %}
         {% if value_json.value == 253 %} 
           {{ 'OFF' }}
         {% elif value_json.value == 223 or value_json.value == 221 or value_json.value == 231 or value_json.value == 239 or value_json.value == 245 or value_json.value == 247 %}
           {{ 'ON' }}
         {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
       command_topic: "home/OMGateway/commands/MQTTto433"
       direction_command_topic: "home/OMGateway/commands/MQTTto433"
       direction_command_template: '{"value":123,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}'
       availability_topic: "home/OMGateway/LWT"
       payload_available: "online"
       payload_not_available: "offline"
       #Prüfung der Prozentangabe des Ventilators
       percentage_state_topic: "home/OMGateway/433toMQTT/#"
       percentage_value_template: >-
         {% if value_json.protocol == 8 and value_json.length == 12 %}
         {% if value_json.value == 253 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 247 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 245 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 239 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 231 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 221 %}
         {% elif value_json.value == 223 %}
         {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
       percentage_command_topic: "home/OMGateway/commands/MQTTto433"
       percentage_command_template: >-
         {% if value == 6 %}
            {{ '{"value":223,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 5 %}
            {{ '{"value":221,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 4 %}
            {{ '{"value":231,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 3 %}
            {{ '{"value":239,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 2 %}
            {{ '{"value":245,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 1 %}
            {{ '{"value":247,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% elif value == 0 %}
            {{ '{"value":253,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}' }}
         {% endif %}
       speed_range_min: 1
       speed_range_max: 6
       payload_off: '{"value":253,"protocol":8,"length":12,"delay":330}'

Can someone help me to prevent this error?