Got my home assistant blue version....or wait, no I didnt

Kinda annoyed. After they sent email offering the clear case, etc, I had just emailed to see where I was in regards to the line and if I was getting the true “blue” version. Wanted to know if I was in first batch or I should just get one with the stock case.

Was told my order was palced before 3PM on Dec 13th so i was first batch and I would be getting my unit soon.

Well it came, but this is what I got…

Sent them an email but of couse holidays, so wont hear anything until Monday and it will probably be, “yeah we can send you blue version when we get more cases in March” :roll_eyes:

Maybe this should be in #hardware?

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Not that I will ever buy one, but I prefer your case to the blue one.

You might actually be at an advantage. Some recipients of the blue case have reported the back is too thick for some connectors can’t be plugged in properly.

I don’t know, but if I wanted a generic ODroid in a generic plastic case, then uhh, I’d buy a generic ODroid and a generic plastic case…

The blue HA branding was one of the main reasons (if not the main reason) people bought it.

What @HeyImAlex said. I could have bought what I got months ago (for less). I got it because of the case, I personally think it looks cool.

Still no response from amerdroid

Good news! Got a response from amerdroid yesterday. They are sorry for mixup, I can keep existing case and the wifi adapter that came as well. They shipped me “blue” case.

reunited and it feels so gooooooooooood

The case adds like 33Mhz to the clock rate, easy


I still prefer the other one. :roll_eyes:

Does that mean they have blue cases available again?

@spudje I dunno. I honestly thought I was gonna be told I have to wait for shipment to come in. Maybe they have some extras they keep on hand for what if scenarios like mine?