Got notification my Firebase database will be deleted?

Hi all, I believe the Firebase account I have with Google is for the HTML5 notificatiosn I have setup, but I just got an email that says I haven’t used it in 6 months (weird…) and that it’s going to be deleted?

Is anyone else getting this? There’s also a note about if I created the project back in 2017 or prior it may have auto-provisioned a database for me, but I didn’t setup HTML5 notifications until last year, but have been tinkering with HomeAssistance since 2017 and prior, is there another integration that had a Firebase setup that I might be overlooking?

I’m trying to either fix this so it’s not auto-deleted and making more work for me, or figure out what it was so I can safely ignore, thanks in advance!!!

I just got the same thing today.

Any idea what it is? did you have Firebase stuff setup in 2017 or prior as well by chance?

I’m hoping that by just logging in it won’t delete the data. I’ve set it up twice, for the manual Google Assistant integration. I think the last time was in 2019.

yeah I have the done it wice as well, once in 2019 for manaual Google Assistant too, perhaps this is from our OLD setups before that? Not too sure.

Since it says it hasn’t seen any traffic in 6 months that’s what gets me because I have sensors reporting data to/from HA/Google regularly, so I don’t think it should be that?

Same for me last week. As best as I can tell it has nothing to do with Manual Google Assistant config or HTML5 notifications. None of the docs mention needing firebase so I assume it was auto setup by Google.

Just received my 2nd notification that confirms it was html5 notifications “Your unused Realtime Database ‘html5-notifications-2xxxx’ will be deactivated in 14 day”

I no longer use htm5, so I will ignore this.
I can’t remember how long ago I set it up, it does sound like it was setup in the background.

Hi guys,
I am receiving the following Google email:
" Hi M.,

You are receiving this email because you own one or more Firebase projects using Google Analytics. With the release of Google Analytics 4 properties, to keep using your Firebase projects with Google Analytics, you must take action to accept the Google Analytics Terms of Service for the following projects**:**"

I’ve set up only the manual Google Assistant integration and I think I don’t need any analytics, so anyone knows if what they are asking is necessary or I can ignore it?