Govee API - H713 - Heater


i’ve bought a govee smart heater and wanted to connect it to HA trough the govee applience api.

I’ve performed a get request to get the correct data and possible option and everything seems to be working fine:

    "data": {
        "devices": [
                "device": "XXXXXXXXX",
                "model": "H713A",
                "deviceName": "Smart Heater",
                "controllable": true,
                "retrievable": false,
                "properties": {
                    "mode": {
                        "options": [
                                "name": "Low",
                                "value": "1"
                                "name": "Medium",
                                "value": "2"
                                "name": "High",
                                "value": "3"
                                "name": "Fan",
                                "value": "4"
                                "name": "Auto",
                                "value": "5"
                "supportCmds": [
    "message": "Success",
    "code": 200

Turning on/ff also works fine with the following requestBody:

    "device": "XXXXX",
    "model": "H713A",
    "cmd": {
        "name": "turn",
        "value": "on"

But it seems that i can’t switch the mode. Because the following command doesn’t seem to do anything, even tho I’m getting back { "code": 200, "message": Success", "data": {}}:

    "device": "XXXXX",
    "model": "H713A",
    "cmd": {
        "name": "mode",
        "value": "2"

Did anyone encounter the same problem? Are there any fixes/3rd-Party-Integrations available to fix the problem?

Kind Regards