Govee BBQ Thermometer

I was browsing around this morning and trying to identify a quick easy way of monitoring my meat on my smoker since my iGrill quit working. I knew I wanted something Bluetooth and I found the unit below, and for the on sale price of $26 it was worth trying out. Has anyone used this device before? I have found a lot of code for a Govee Thermometer & Hygrometer, so figured I could use it as a basis. But before I started hacking away, I figured I would ask before I reinvent the wheel (plus I am not that great of a coder at least in python)

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Mine arrives today and with the new Bluetooth integration on 2208 it looks like it is supported now. I’ll let you know after I get it going.

Unfortunately this model was not one of the ones supported. Hopefully I can get the maintainer interested in adding it.

I am pretty sure with Tasmota and Tony’s BLE code using Blerry you can get it working. Youtube has videos on how to do this.

Just received mine today ($20 on Amazon!) To replace my $100 ThermoWorks Smoke - can confirm it works with HA directly with no hacking required - this integration got me up and running painlessly - Govee Bluetooth - Home Assistant

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The BBQ thermometer is the “Govee H5184.”
Does the BBQ thermometer “Govee H5055” also work? I don’t see it specifically on that list.

Hi @cwhiii

The Govee H5055 works with our Theengs Gateway (HA Add-On) or OpenMQTTGateway if you are interested.

@DigiH Excellent! Thanks for the snappy reply!

Apologies for necro’ing a thread, but can anyone confirm if this model works with HA?

Can’t answer that but in case it doesn’t Inkbird works.
This has two more probes and cost $10 less.,Rechargeable/dp/B07R9RLR11/ref=sr_1_1

No, same price as the govee.

Nkt sure what I’d do with that many probes, but I’ll keep it in mind if the govee doesn’t work.

In that case we get different prices on the same product :slight_smile:.

Extra probes can be used to keep an eye on the temperature in the BBQ, one on the grate and one a bit higher up

You’re a day late and a dollar short, my man.

Just wanted to come back and update that the H5198 works great with an esp32 ble proxy. I’ll be making a video about it in the coming weeks.