it started at 70 F and i tried to get it up to around 80 F and then back. If you want a more controlled test I can do it and upload the data on the BLE monitor issue link.
I was looking at the Govee air purifier H7121 and H7122 and saw that it is advertised as being app controlled via wifi and Bluetooth. Do these purifiers have a future with this integration?
This component has been mostly superseded by the Passive BLE Monitor component but both only monitor the status of Bluetooth Low Energy devices. It looks like these air purifiers would require interaction and therefore require GATT integration. Neither component supports GATT. Sorry.
Help! I’m really hoping I did something silly, but I added two new H5101 therm’s (along with 8 existing ones). The first 6 are working beautifully, and have for months, but these two new ones are coming up unknown in HA.
Given the MAC addresses start with a different vendor ID, it is possible that Govee replaced the BLE component in that model. Can you try using the GoveeWater debugger to see if they appear in that ourput?
Thanks for the quick reply. I tried something else to validate if HA was even seeing the BLE and was pleasantly surprised. I added the integration Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor, and not only did it see the device, it captured its data (along with the other seven Govee BLE Therms)!
You are referring to Passive BLE Monitor component ? This is what I would have ultimately suggested if the debugger did not return any values. Passive BLE Monitor is the successor to this component in every way as it is far easier to configure than this one. I am not longer actively developing this but will try to keep it functional as so users do not lose any history. I’m glad it is working for you now.
Hi, I’m very “soon” new to HA, PI 4 is on its way
I’ve been following this thread for a while now, as Govee integration is on of my main goal in HA.
Thing is I don’t really understand the evolution, in order to plan my future integration.
I am a bit lost on what integration to add to be able to integrate my govee’s (mainly H5102 and one H5179) in HA.
Could you give a hint on what to install to make that work ?
You can install the new govee BLE integration. Its available as official integration now (2022.8)
The evolution is as follows. The custom integration Govee BLE mentioned in the openingpost has been supetaeeded/integrated in the custom integration BLE monitor about 2 years ago. BLE monitor is supporting way more sensor brands, not only Govee. In August 2022 HA introduced several new “official” BLE integrations, including one for Govee. BLE monitor is going to be converted to several official BLE integrations, one per brand. For Govee (and some others), this has been done in 2022.8, other brands will follow later.
So, best for you is to use the official integration, as you only have Govee BLE sensors.
Howdy Ernst, thanks for all the terrific work with your HACS BLE component.
I have been using it for some time, and following your advice, I just migrated to the new Bluetooth integration in 2022.8
All works great except my Govee H5185 is not recognized. I have 5 Xiaomi Flora probes working great with the new integration.
I can see the H5185 Ok with the Android app, so I know it is working OK.
Any ideas what could be the issue??
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
I have two Govee H5105 and one H5074. My problem is, that the polling is done too often. Especially the H5074 refreshes every few seconds.
I found a closed ticket in GitHub that an automation shall be used. So I disabled “Enable polling for updates” and created an automation for “update_entity”. But nothing changed. Even without any automation set and polling disabled, the three thermometers are updating a lot. The H5074 every few seconds (each poll it seems to be a different interval). The other two between every 30 seconds and a few minutes. Feels more like push from the Govees than a pull from HA/Govee BLE.
Has anybody an idea what I could change to update the measures only every x minutes?
Thanks for the answer. Is there any possibility to let the Govee BLE integration not updating the data on every broadcast but only add data every x minutes? There will be million entries in a short time. I even disabled the Govee devices currently but would really like to see them in my HA.
I don’t believe there is such a feature. If you are concerned about the number of entries in the database, simply exclude them from the recorder.
Below is my configuration.yaml, to exclude particularly chatty sensors for which I do not need any history:
Hi @Zoriontsu
thank you for the help. I’m pretty new to home assistant. Until a few days ago I wasn’t aware that a short term and a long term statistics exists. As far as I understood, the Govee data older than 10 days will we flattened to 4 entries per hour and still be available long term. I want to keep the Govee data long term. So excluding them from recorder is not working for me.
I was in fear, to have millions of temperature entries per year in the database. But as long as the huge amount of data is only kept for 10 days I’m kind of fine with it.
Nevertheless I’m still searching for a solution which doesn’t update the data every 2 seconds. I found the “Passive BLE Integration” (Passive BLE Monitor integration) which does exactly how I would like to have it: collect all the data but only stores the medium every 60 seconds.
Unfortunately this passive way seems not to work with Govee at present. But this is no topic for this thread.
It still would be great if the Govee BLE integration could add such a functionality too.