GOVEE bluetooth polling interval

I’ve recently added 8 GOVEE bluetooth sensors to HA which work great, but I need to change the polling interval because its killing the batteries.

However, I cannot find anywhere to change it. There is no option to ‘configure’ govee on the integration page under settings.

I must be missing something super obvious! Please help!


HA running on RPI 3 B+

Have you figured this out as I’m in the same situation. Thanks

Nope, apparently not many folks use govee :man_shrugging:

Not sure why as they are cheap and have been great. Turns out it’s not eating as much battery as I thought.

Right? I’m keeping a close eye on the batteries, but I also think it might not be as bad as I initially thought. I have Govee Bluetooth sensors that have been running for three years without battery replacement. Two of them are approaching 50% battery. I loved how they just showed up in HA when I first booted up the pi for the first time. It couldn’t be any easier…:laughing:

Did you try turning off the polling. I am trying that now and hoping then the sensor only initiates a transmission when a value changes but, in a steady state, sends nothing. This would at least reduce the polling responses. That said, if HA is doing the polling, I wonder why you can’t change it?

I have the same problem. Even with polling disabled like shown in the post before and without any automation configured, some of my Govee temperature devices updating the data every few seconds (H5074), some are updating between 30 seconds and 8 minutes (H5105).

I would expect not a single update as polling is disabled. Seems not to work. Was anybody able to fix that issue?