Govee H5080 Smart Plug Integration

Initially, I created an MQTT client for this because it seemed like it would be simpler (which it was) and probably work just as well (it didn’t)… but I got tired of that being buggy (probably due to bluetooth adapter) so I wrote a full integration for it that can be installed via hacs.

The code is written such that you should be able to add more smart plugs to the integration fairly easily, but I’m not planning to do so. Supported devices:

  • H5080 Smart Plug

H5080 support would not have been possible without the scripts from GitHub - egold555/Govee-Reverse-Engineering: A central place to document reverse engineering Govee Products. (and if you want to add support for more devices then this is a good place to start!).

This integration was inspired by GitHub - Beshelmek/govee_ble_lights: Govee BLE Lighting Integration for HomeAssistant and I started writing this based on its code, but I eventually just copied a bunch of code from the keymitt_ble integration since it was much closer to what actually needed to be accomplished.

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