Hi - I set Govee up with HA through the integration, got the API key from Govee and it worked fine for a few hours with a sensor triggering a Govee led strip. After a few hours it sopped working so I deleted the integration and tried to reinstall. I applied for a new API key through the Govee app and when I try to reinstall the integration and enter the API key it says: “Cannot connect. Is the API-Key correct and the internet connection working?” Even if I apply for a new API key it doesn’t make any difference and I get the same message. I have tried to restart HA a few times but to no avail. I have googled but can’t seem to find anything that works for me. Just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience and had found a solution.
Have tried over and over and over again getting a new API each time and after about thirty goes of installing integration and adding API key it finally worked again. Odd.
I had the same problem, not sure why. I’m a new HA user coming from Vera so still climbing the learning curve.
I set up the Govee integration yesterday. Both my Lyra lamp and tv immersion kit were working flawlessly. This afternoon, about 12h later, nothing worked anymore.
I reinstalled the integration using the same API key and now everyhing is working again…
Hi - yes mine worked fine for less than 24 hours and now showing as ‘failed to set up” When I check the logs it says:
Logger: custom_components.govee
Source: custom_components/govee/init.py:66
Integration: Govee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:02:33 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:02:33
Could not connect to Govee API: API: API-Error 429: {“message”:“rate limited! the limit is 10000 requests every 24 hours. X-RateLimit-Reset in Http Response Header shows the reset time.”}
i have the same problem since 3 days and I don‘t have a solution.
Kind regards,
Is it solved for you? I had the same errors as OP and reinstalling the integration with the same key solved my problem. I also increased the poll interval to be sure.
No it is still stopping working every few days. I have deleted and reinstalled, it works for a couple of days and then stops working again
Same issue here.
Yesterday it didnt work, couldnt reinstall it.
Today i could install it again.
Sorry for bringing this thread back from the dead! This has started happening to me and I can’t get the lights back. It’s been working for ages, so I don’t understand why it just stopped. Is there a solution? I can’t find any of the devices in the Govee Bluetooth integration and none of them seem to have the ability to have local control.
I wanted to see if anyone had a work around. I set this up last night and this morning when I went in to do more work. I found that my Govee integration was not linking, I tried 10 times to get a new API key and every time it tells me its the wrong one.
Can anyone help?
I’ve chalked it up as just a Govee problem. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Their API is just garbage. Slowly transitioning everything away from Govee and doing DIY LED strips with WLED.
So I just got Past this problem this morning. I was thinking the preexisting auto config that the Govee integration may be causing an issue with the reinitialization process and maybe blocking the implementation. So I 1 Deleted all the Govee addons from both HACS and the Addons menu. Then I went into Studio Code Server and deleted the Config file. Did a full restart and then reinstalled the Govee HACS repos and added the integration normally. I cant confirm if this is a sound process for all systems but it worked for me. (HAOS supervised running on a VM, yeah I know, on my TrueNAS Scale Server, Ryzen 3600, 64GB RAM, 10gb NIC)