Govee integration

Can it control multiple LED strips of different models?

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Sure. State must be requested by device, so choose your update frequency wise.

Just installed this, many thanks for the work:-) It works great for on and off and brightness on my H6182 TV strips, however I do have a newbie question pleaseā€¦ Where in the interface can I find the fancy page shown in the screen shots further up this thread as I canā€™t seem to find where to change the colour?

Many thanks Pete

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Please ignore me as I have answered my own question! The colour wheel only shows when the light is on. Doh!

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Great, I added that information in the first post.

To remove the question mark on state:
Could you see State changes if you change the lights from Govee Home app?

Yes state switches in HA when controlled from Govee app as well

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Iā€™m having a weird problem that I didnā€™t see listed (unless I missed something). I had this installed and it worked as expected but I just moved to SSD and I am reinstalling everything. I copied the govee folder over and when I restart, I get nothing in integrations and I waited overnight. I removed the folder, restarted HA and then copied the govee folder back and restarted again. Itā€™s been 5+ hours and still nothing. I see nothing about govee in the logs. Any ideas on a possible problem?

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On my Pi I had to set the permission on the custom integration folder and subfolder as I created them as the user pi but Docker runs as root. Iā€™m no UNIX expert but would have thought root would have had access but I had to grant 777 so everyone had access before the add integration appeared.

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Docker may run as root but you can set (or not set) the user that is ā€˜runningā€™ the container UID and GID settings.

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Itā€™s showing up now and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve done anything. It just took hours. Thanks for your help, itā€™s a great integration!

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glad you figured it out, I was also thinking of setting owner/group or rights (man chown / man chmod if you want to google them :slight_smile:). As it is working now - well done!

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Just a quick overview - each 7 here means: 1 (execute) + 2 (write) + 4 (read) added together.
For a folder e.g. you will need Execute right to cd into it.
First 7 is for owner, second number for group and third for anyone.

So instead of granting 777 - all rights to anyone - you could possibly be more restrictive if you want to.
To set users/groups you use chown - which could set both, user and group.


# show help pages
man chown
man chmod

# show rights and user/group info (rwx is the read/write/execute here)
cd /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_components
ls -l

# assign user 'root' and group 'root' recursively (my docker containers run as root, need to limit that someday)
chown -R root:root ./govee

# set read/write/execute for user root on the govee folder and all files in it, anyone else get's execute/read:
chmod -R 755 ./govee

Hope this helps you understanding the basics here :smiley:


Hello there!!
I am new in the community and with Home Assistant! (First steps)
You are the best and make this workā€¦awesome, really.
I am trying to set that one of my sensors make and automation, and then the Goove Led (H6159) makes some flash colors, i am tring some code, so far so good, it works and make it work with red color.
Any clue how to make the flash (blinking) effect???

condition: []

  • service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.despacho_mesa
    brightness: 130
    - 255
    - 0
    - 0
    flash: long
    mode: single


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Hi, flash is not supported on the govee api.

Hi again! :slight_smile:

Has anyone noticed their light switch on apparently on its own? Since getting my API key and installing this integration my light was switched itself on a few times. It did it yesterday evening and again over night. The device history in HA shows the state change but doesnā€™t show that if was triggered by the HA service.

In the screenshot below the bottom entry was a planned automation (turn TV off and light goes off) and it shows being called by HA and the top one was me switching it off via Govee app this morning but the ā€œonā€ in the middle we were all asleep and there appears to be no HA automation service call.


I guess it could just be coincidence and coming from somewhere else but Iā€™ve had the light over 6 months and it has never done it before but has done it 2 or 3 times in since setting this up a couple of days ago, hence wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar. Thanks

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So, Where i can find to implement some? There is a public govee api or something like that to use from Home Assis?

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Happened never to me, could you enable debug logging and keep it running, then if the light turns on search around that timestamp? We log every call to the integration and to the api when debug logging is on. The first post describes how to enable this. Thanks.

You mean, where to implement blink?
Well, as long as we depend on the API we use this isnā€™t possible. It might be possible using bluetooth, but there is no such thing as a published and official API.

Yep, thought so.
I mean, just with the vibration sensor comes on, start flashing the lightsā€¦
Anyway, i am just trying some power on, power off, power on, power offā€¦ i dont know if it will work

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Will do , Thanks

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